Building industry mark B
As an accredited product certification body (AC 009), we conduct construction product certification processes in the area regulated by the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure and Construction of 17 November 2016 (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1966, as amended), for compliance with national technical specifications (Polish Standards, National Technical Assessments) in the following scope:
- constancy of performance in AVCP 1 and 1+
- conformity of the Factory Production Control (FPC) in AVCP 2+
The current scope of accreditation can be found on the official Polish Accreditation Center website.
What are the benefits of obtaining a certificate of constancy of performance or a national certificate of conformity of the Factory Production Control?
- authorizes the manufacturer and / or authorized representative to issue a national declaration of performance
- marking construction products with building industry mark B
The above activities entitle the manufacturer to marketing the construction product on the Polish market.

Marking with the B construction mark together with the national declaration of performance confirms that the manufacturer meets the compliance of the construction product with the requirements of the Polish standard or national technical assessment.
Do you have any questions or concerns about introducing construction products to the domestic or European market?
Contact us!
Submitting the application with attachments
Preliminary agreement signing
Type testing (applies for AVCP 1 and 1+)
Initial inspection of the manufacturing plant of FPC
Signing the agreement on the principles of the supervision of certified products
Certificate issuance
Continuous surveillance